Category: Postpartum

7 Things I Wish I Had Known After the Birth of My Twins

So you’re in the doctor’s room, being poked and prodded in a most undignified way.

I guess you have to accept that it’s par for the course when you’re pregnant.

All your dignity goes out the window. But finally the grainy image appears on the screen and you feel all gooey because you see your little bean in there.

Until the doc says with a delighted giggle: “Oh wait, there are two.”

Finding out you are having twins is pretty shocking.

10 Things to do When Your BFF Becomes a New Mom

So your BFF is becoming a new mom! Whether you are a mom or not, you might be wondering what you can do to help.

Becoming a mom for the first time is one of the most life-changing events. No amount of organizing or cleaning can really prepare you for how life is about to change.

It can be overwhelming, anxiety-inducing, and just plain hard at times.

How to Support Your Husband as a New Dad

Okay mamas! You have done the hardest job of all.

You delivered a precious baby after carrying for 10 whole months. You’ve endured morning sickness, night sweats, and heartburn.

You haven’t had a good night’s sleep, a shower, or a good meal in DAYS! You have put all of your energy into taking care of this brand new baby.

How to Support Your Wife as a New Mom


It seemed so easy, until I became a mom.

I walked into the hospital with grand ideas about what motherhood would be like, but when I came out (with my new baby), it was like everything had shifted. I was no longer the same person. It was like I had to learn how to be me again, but in a different way.