Category: Kids

How to Teach Kids Gratitude (In a Way They’ll Understand)

We all want our kids to grow into happy and healthy adults.

It turns out there is a common thread among happy people, and it’s as straightforward as it is powerful.

It’s gratitude.

Leading gratitude researcher Robert A. Emmons undertook studies that highlight a link between gratitude and well-being. Emmons says “The practice of gratitude can have dramatic and lasting effects in a person’s life.”

9 Survival Tips For Raising Toddler Boys

When I was pregnant for the first time, I wanted a boy – so when we found out that we were indeed expecting a baby boy, I was ecstatic.

I dreamed of the messy faces that were soon to come.

The Tonka trucks and Hot Wheels explosion on my living room floor and the rambunctious chaos – I couldn’t wait!

Everyone and their mother told me that having boys was so much easier than girls…