The moment you realize that your child has autism, your entire world changes.
But it doesn’t have to be negative.
When I started in special education, autism was a fairly new condition.
It was a time when vaccines were blamed (still are), parents blamed each other and superstitions adorned society.
I remember when my mom’s best friend found out her oldest grandson had autism.
Her son and daughter in law’s worlds were turned upside down.
There were blame games, deep research, trips to different therapists and psychologists, and a plethora of “good parenting” techniques.
But when I saw this precious little boy, I saw something completely different.
While many, outside the family, saw him as broken or damaged goods, I was completely fascinated at how observant and detailed he was.
As the boy grew, he became more obsessive and compulsive. His food would be in color order perfectly placed without touching each other. And he was constantly absorbed with books.
One Christmas, we were at a party where all of my parent’s friends came together, and the boy came with his grandparents. He quickly went to the countertop to examine the stone stating knowing the exact type of stone and what quarry region it was from originally.
The only reason I knew he was right? I’m a geology nerd myself. This kid was incredible! That was the moment I knew that I wanted to work with special ed kids, especially children with autism.
I knew that autism wasn’t a broken kid or weird habits. Autism is a fascination of life with a completely new perspective.
And I wanted to be a part of a child’s life to show them that they are going to make the world even better than before.
While all that gooey good stuff is great, autism isn’t for the faint of heart. There are terrible sides to autism like daily tantrums, meltdowns, and crying.
Illness takes a whole new dynamic with limited communication from a child with autism. And being a parent is definitely not the same as a caretaker! 8-10 hours is one thing; living and breathing this is a full on lifestyle.
Parents of these special kids have a super power that society just doesn’t comprehend!
In this article, we’ll discuss common problems that go along with being an autistic parent or caretaker and show you real solutions that actually work.
How do I know?
I live this everyday, and I have had a few ups and downs (maybe even physically assaulted a time or two).
But I wouldn’t trade my job working with these kids for the world even though I am a blogger on the side, too. Autism is a spectrum condition with so many conditions, but it’s a world that I can’t imagine living without my students. Here’s how I want to empower you, mamas!
1. Imbalancing Situation: Your Child Doesn’t Want to Do Homework or Classwork
Find Your Balancing Moment
Be firm with your child and be ready for a meltdown. While this may be the case, it also means you have to give frequent breaks.
One year, for 6 straight months, I tried to teach this beautiful, 6 year old child with autism how to do basic addition.
The entire time, she would cry in frustration, staring at me with such beautiful piercing, blue eyes and say in the cutest voice, “Crying!” That was her way of saying, “Don’t make me do this! It’s too hard.”
This beautiful girl cried, screamed, squealed, pinched, punched and stabbed me with her pencil repeatedly on a daily basis.
I calmly took away her pencil each day and the paper and placed her hands on the desk.
She would scream and cry even louder, sometimes so loud, the principal would come to check on her.
I would tell her it’s not okay to act like this. Then I would give her two minutes to just calm down.
I would tell her to breathe in and out calmly and keep telling her that I loved her and she was doing such a great job!
Her form of autism was severe meaning she had trouble focusing and even developed ecolalia, a condition of repeating certain phrases she obsessed over. Television was her primary obsession, and she loved Dora the Explorer. She loved it so much, she became fully bilingual.
I quickly added her obsession to the Spanish language to our daily curriculum. With each “great job” and “fantastico,” she grew in confidence crying a little less each day. Eventually, she stopped crying altogether.
The last 3 days of school, she busted those math problems and never batted an eye! It was the greatest success I could have ever imagined! She gained the skills of addition, but I gained an entire new appreciation for patience and love.
I never let this little girl quit, and I had to be firm with her that her behavior was not okay.
But I never let her waiver from her task of doing math, and she nailed it!
When your child with autism knows that they can do something, build up their confidence and repeat it (even if it’s hundreds of times, and you’re sick of it!). You can help your child succeed without giving in to the meltdowns.
And while your child may never thank you, you’ll thank yourself for having more peaceful days than you did before.
2. Imbalancing Situation: Your Child Doesn’t Want to Wear Clothes
Finding Your Balancing Moment
Pick up the clothes and examine them like you are interested in them completely.
Follow your child around and talk to them about the clothes (colors, how they feel, shapes, images, etc.). Clothing can be restricting to different sensory levels meaning that the feel and sensation of the clothes can be uncomfortable.
Sometimes, it’s as simple as they’re hot or they feel the air kick on from the a/c. And sometimes it can be the fabric itself.
Another example, I, personally, don’t like the feel of corduroy or satin. Touching them with my fingers is fine. I love the ribbing and the slick sensations!
However, wearing them makes me feel hot and miserable! These sensations may personally annoy me, but in autism, they can overload a child’s brain.
Introduce the clothing gradually to your child. Try your normal voice and try a happy voice when you talk about the clothes like, “This is a cotton shirt! (pause) Feel how soft it is. (pause) I like that feeling!” Make putting on your clothes a fun activity that feels good to you and your child.
Try silly games like pretending you’re going to put the clothes on and do something wrong like putting the pants on your head.
Say something like, “Do these pants go here? (pause) No. I don’t think so. Do they go on my arm? (pause).” You may have to repeat this, and there will be days you will just not feel up to the task.
Just remind yourself that this will pass eventually, and you are preparing your child for that day.
Talking with your kids while doing these actions will start silly conversations and often laughter. Sometimes your child will put the clothes on the right way to show you but there will be times that it won’t go so smoothly.
The idea is being consistent until your child learns that the behavior of being naked is not okay.
There was another little girl I taught with autism.
She was high functioning, and loved being outside. Her favorite part of nature was the wind, and she loved the sensation in her hair and her hands.
When we were on the playground, there were many days that she would strip completely naked (no undies or socks even) because she loved to feel the wind.
Of course, the boys who were on the playground quickly took notice of her and would congregate around her (yes, even in small elementary school). The other teachers and I would try to put her clothes on quickly, but there were times we just threw a teacher’s sweater or cardigan over her and walked her back to class.
It would take a while because of meltdowns or tantrums, but when we would scold her and fuss angrily, she would resist and stay nude.
She sometimes became violent because she was determined to feel those sensations. When I and the staff were calm and acting silly, she would put her clothes on much more quickly.
I learned the best way to help her was just to talk to her while she dressed herself or you dressed her. She listened so much more and had fewer meltdowns.
While it’s important to be firm, it’s more important to be consistent with child with autism. They obsess over repetition, and the more consistent you are with repeating these guidelines of “being naked is not okay,” your child will eventually understand that it’s important to stay clothed.
Try talking about why we wear clothes. Be creative like, “Hmm… I get really cold when I am naked. (pause) I don’t like to feel that way. (pause) Clothes make me feel just right! Not too hot and not too cold.”
Tell the child that being naked is a good way to get hurt. Clothes can protect your skin from cuts and scrapes or bugs that bite you. No matter how you approach it with your child, be consistent. And don’t forget to have a chuckle or two for having a little fun! Your sanity will thank you later.
3. Imbalancing Situation: Your Child is Nonverbal and it Frustrates You
Finding Your Balancing Moment
This one can be frustrating, and it can be quite confusing for you and your child.
But understand that just because your child cannot talk does not mean that they cannot feel or understand or that they are stupid. In fact, they are probably far more intelligent than you can imagine.
Talk to your child every single day in simple sentences. For example, “The sun is shining. (pause) Isn’t it pretty? (point toward the sky).” Reiterate how much you love them by saying, “I love you,” every chance you get.
Use your body language (like a hug, for example) to symbolize that “I love you” also means hugging. Even if your child cannot sign, it’s a good idea for parents to learn how to sign and use consistent signals with their non verbal child.
I once had this incredible little boy with autism, and he was non verbal.
In 4 years, he had learned simple, one syllable words, but they were not clear at all. Teachers and staff tried to teach him sign language, and he just made up his own signs that no one could understand.
So we found other methods of communications with electronic devices and flash cards.
His parents constantly prevented him from ever excelling because they had decided he was not able to function normally. No, they weren’t bad parents or abusive.
They loved their child unconditionally and took care of him as far as basic needs. But they were exhausted from working with him.
Rather than give him a consistent routine, sleep schedule or work with him on his speech, they let him run around everywhere in the house. He never stayed with them in public, and he wandered around aimlessly often.
They just gave up and focused on his older sister and raising her.
When the school system would try to schedule meetings, they would say, “He’s not going to do anything anyways, so why bother?” This child’s handicappedness was not autism. It was lack of motivation.
Everyday, I would work with this boy, and I encouraged him to try.
I would talk to him and tell him that he was doing a great job. Eventually, he was counting to 20 like it was nothing, using his body language to hint to me he wanted to be hugged or patted on the head, or learning basic signs.
Because I talked to him everyday like a normal kid with simple phrases, he began feeling confident and felt more comfortable with trying to speak (even if it wasn’t clear).
The last day of school was so hard because I knew how far he had come and he was moving to a higher grade from me. But I cannot tell you how proud I was of his accomplishments and how far he had come!
I know that it’s hard, and I know that it’s easy to want to give up. But it’s critical to know that you know your child with autism loves you and trusts you more than anyone else in the world.
Know that your non verbal child can hear you and understand you more than you realize. They can feel everything you say and know your scent and your touch. These children tend to be more naturally empathetic and meltdown because they feel and know so much and cannot communicate with you.
Hug your child everyday, and constantly tell them that you love them. Talk to them like they are people and do it often with small phrases. Pat them on the head or back (if they don’t mind) and always say encouraging words like, “You are good” or “you did great!” It may feel futile, but your child is absorbing every moment of this.
Try talking with a speech therapist (at school or private) about programs and devices to teach your child to communicate at home. They can program basic routines, phrases commonly used, and the child’s favorite foods and drinks.
You will live much more calmly knowing exactly what your child wants and that they understand you.
4. Imbalancing Situation: Your Child Steals
Finding Your Balancing Moment
Every child goes through a phrase of curiosity, and stealing is one of those topics that can be difficult for child with autism to understand.
In their mind, everything should be touched and explored. This is a part of sensory touch and play. And children with atusim can become obsessed with certain toys, phrases, TV, shows, etc.
When your child with autism takes something, they are actually claiming ownership of what they touch. It is important to teach your child about ownership in a positive way.
Use things around the house like your child’s toys and something you own. For example, grab your child’s favorite toy and grab an old purse.
Let your child touch both and get a feel for the items. Take their favorite toy and hold it. Move your child’s head (it’s okay to use your hand in a directive and firm way but not jerky or abusively) and make eye contact with them.
Say, “This is your toy” and hand them their favorite toy. Give them about 15 seconds to hold it and love it.
Bring out your purse and hold it out until your child looks at it. When the child fixates on the purse and touches it, repeat the head movement and make eye contact again. Say, “This is Mommy’s purse. (pause) This is mine.”
Point toward yourself when you say this phrase, and you may have to repeat yourself.
There was another little boy I had one year who constantly stole.
He would obsess and fixate on toys never wanting to let them go. He would always tell on himself by looking at you or holding his hands in a way like he was hiding the toys. Some days, he was so cute, it was hard not to laugh or smile.
But when it became an issue with the other kids that had autism, and all of them were starting to steal from each other (and other kids outside of class), we had to do something.
Every day, he had a routine of coming to class, putting his backpack away and going to the table to work. Keeping him on track helped him keep his focus on the toys.
When he did take something that didn’t belong, we had different time outs. Each time out was two minutes long. The first was he had to place his hands on the table and not move his hands. Itching and scratching were okay.
But if he moved from his spot or moved both hands, he gained an extra 30 seconds of time out. We told him every time that if he didn’t listen, we were starting the timer over again.
The other time out, he had to face the wall and touch the wall with his hands. Why? We took his focus off of the toys and the other students.
Facing the wall meant that he had something else to focus on and could calm down more easily. Touching the wall gave him a task and kept his hands busy while he finished his time out.
This kept him from exploring things like finding a chip or crumb off the floor or even a small toy that may have fallen off the table. He went from being everywhere stealing to being one of the best behaved in the classroom! He was even given a leader of the month award for being a model student.
Like the others, consistency is key, and in this case, you have to keep your child focused. They may not fully comprehend right or wrong, but they will eventually learn what’s okay and what is not.
5. Imbalancing Situation: Your Child Has a Melt Down With the Babysitter
Finding Your Balancing Moment
It is critical to have a trusted, established babysitter for your child with autism. Childcare is extremely difficult especially for autistic disabilities.
A special needs child is far more likely to be abused in all areas than a regular child (and we already know as parents how too common this is!).
But it is even more important that you actually have a babysitter. Moms, you are busy living life and raising a family. Maybe you have full time jobs and a slew of other things.
It’s easy to want to take care of your child 24/7, but it isn’t doable. You may have a trusted friend, family member or neighbor that can watch your child, but having a babysitter is important to your mental health and sanity.
Take time to recharge and tackle everyday life with at least 1 breathable moment a week.
Engage your kids in activities like sports or day camps.
Yes, some activities can be over stimulating, but having no activities causes unhealthy social skills and relationships. There are special activities available for all kids especially for children with autism.
Keeping you happy and healthy is just as important as keeping your child happy and healthy, too!
6. Imbalancing Situation: Your Child is Crying and Having a Meltdown Uncontrollably for More Than a Day
Finding Your Balancing Moment
When a child with autism cries, it isn’t usually for the same reason a random child cries. Yes they feel pain when they get hurt, but a lot of their crying and screaming comes from confusion and sometimes fear.
If your child has been crying or having a tantrum for more than a day, it’s time to see a doctor or a health professional. More than likely, it’s something else going on than a typical discomfort or sensory issue.
Once, I had a nonverbal student who kept having temper tantrums for 2 days straight. He was known to throw down when he didn’t get his way, but this time was different.
You could tell him to sit, and he would scream, plug his ears and throw himself in the floor. If you reached out to hug him, he would climb you like a tree and hold your neck and waist like a little child while still kicking and screaming. He would smack and bite himself in frustration.
When he climbed me for the second or third time, I looked at his ear, and I noticed that it looked red.
I was pretty sure it was probably from the tantrum, but I thought we’d check it out with the school nurse anyway.
Come to find out, he had a severe ear infection, and he was in so much pain. We coaxed him to take a little pain reliever medicine that he had permission to take, and I rocked him for a little bit to calm him down.
He was miserable the rest of the day, and we could not reach his parents. So we took a break from work, and I let him lay down in the reading area.
Don’t take a or crying for granted. Your child may be trying to tell you something and cannot communicate even if they are fully able to talk.
7. Imbalancing Situation: Your Child Only Likes a Few Foods (Or Even Just One)
Finding Your Balancing Moment
Sensory issues are common with children with autism. This can be not liking the feeling of something, a scary sound, a strange smell, seeing something unfamiliar or tasting something they don’t like.
Think of autism like an amplifier. There are things you already don’t like, and then take it to another level of pure annoyance and hatred. This can be what happens in most sensory cases with children with autism.
Maybe your child only loves grilled cheese and nothing else. In fact, that’s all they eat at every meal is grilled cheese. There’s meltdowns with vegetables, fruits and any other foods presented to your child, and you get to the point where you just don’t care as long as your child has had something to eat.
There are a few ways to present food to your child. Let’s stick with the grilled cheese example. You already know that they eat grilled cheese.
Try presenting it as just the bread and the cheese. Let your child smell the food and feel the food. They may taste it and not like it. It’s okay!
Then actually fix the grilled cheese that they wanted anyway.
But follow this pattern again a week later. Then a couple of days after that. Your child will become accustomed to this slight changed after a few weeks of doing this. Keeping a constant routine gives your child the understanding that mom is probably going to make a change again.
When you present the next bread and cheese, add one thing like a strawberry to the plate. Your child may not touch it, but keep presenting it each time. The idea is to make your child familiar with the new food and want to feel comfortable enough to taste or try it.
It’s okay if they don’t like it.
Keep presenting it, and even talk about it. “Oh, what a pretty red strawberry! (pause. take a bite) And it tastes nice, too!” You know your child best, and taking it off their plate may cause a bigger issue than just talking about it.
The idea is to get your child used to the idea that a strawberry may show up on the plate from time to time.
Try introducing other foods one piece at a time. Over time, your child will decide that new food isn’t so scary or weird.
In fact, they will get comfortable knowing that mom is right there with this new food sensation. And being mom is what makes your child feel their best and most safe.
8. Imbalancing Situation: People act Weird Around Your Child
Finding Your Balancing Moment
This topic absolutely kills me!
Sometimes people will say something seemingly innocent like, “What’s wrong with that kid anyway?!” And I just want to say, “What’s wrong with you?!”
But I know that not everyone is familiar with autism, and that most are really clueless about what a day in the life of a child with autism entails.
It’s important that as parents and educators we don’t lose our cool with people who act strangely about the subject of autism. As much as we may want to ring some people’s necks for even asking something so ridiculous, it’s important to know that you may be the only education about autism that anyone will ever learn.
If we go around yelling at people and acting entitled, they will believe that autism isn’t real and that we’re running a con. People will observe our behavior as crazy and demanding rather than overwhelmed, overworked and tired, like we actually feel.
It is crucial that we maintain our composure and talked to them like an older child.
Try starting conversations with these heartless phrases kindly saying, “My child has autism. Sometimes, something normal like the grocery store can seem kind of scary to my child. The lights are really bright, and there are lots of people my child doesn’t know. There are strange cellphone ringtones and they sound like monsters to my child. They are trying to learn that it’s okay to be out and about with other people. And they’re learning a new way to understand how things work.”
Most people will nod their head and try to empathize with you.
They may ask other questions that may sound hurtful, but they truly just don’t know. And you have the opportunity to teach them how to behave around your child.
That means you get to be in control and can make this person an advocate with you for autism.
If you happen across someone who just doesn’t get it or becomes abusive like, “Autism isn’t real. That’s stuff is just an excuse,” remove you and your child away from the conversation.
Try (nicely) to excuse yourself and try to find exits out of situations. Say something like, “No, I live with this everyday. It is quite real. But we really have to go. Have a nice day.” Then exit as quickly as you can.
If things escalate out of control, get help ASAP. Find someone to support you and hold your ground in a calm manner.
Many people I have met may not understand autism, but they would gladly step into a situation to help if they felt a child with autism and their family were being threatened.
Being the voice and example for your child is a great way to bring awareness to autism and can create new friends and support you didn’t know. It’s amazing to me how many people just don’t understand that autism is real, but if they’ve never experienced it, they just don’t know.
9. Imbalancing Situation: Your Child’s Erratic Behavior or Needs While at School Cost You Your Job
Finding Your Balancing Moment
Sometimes meltdowns or behaviors or sickness can be so bad, you have to leave your job to tend to your child.
Not everyone, especially employers, are very understanding. And too many times it can lead to job loss or a reduction in income if you have to take a new job.
There are several things that you can do that would work around an autistic child’s schedule while trying to work full time.
First, if you are unemployed or looking for a better schedule, try finding employment in the school system that your child attends. While schools rarely let you work in a classroom setting with your child, they would be glad to place you in the same school or close enough that you can be available for your child.
Be sure to tell the school system that your primary objective is to try to be as flexible as possible to be available with your child. Many schools understand and give you the option to make up work after school hours or on weekends especially for family situations.
While every school district is different, many are flexible and glad to help you and your child.
If working for the school system is not an option, you can always try driving for companies like Uber and Lyft.
Both allow you to make your own schedules, and it’s easy to switch to last ride if you should get a call while in the middle of your shift. You can check on your child and always pick up your shift later. The flexibility is great for when your child really needs you.
Another option is to try blogging.
Blogging is a great way to offer a flexible schedule. It offers you to build a website and design it in a way that can work with your needs and your child. However, there are a few things you need to know before blogging. Once you have your blog established, there are several ways that you can monetize your site and start earning a living.
The final option I am going to offer today is you can always try to earn money doing quick jobs like these while trying to balance a part time job.
However, a better option would be to offer babysitting services to other children with autism. As a parent of a child with autism, you know how hard childcare can be and you are well equipped to handle these children.
I wouldn’t take on more than one other child with autism, and I would explain to the parent first and foremost that while you don’t mind watching their child, your child comes first.
That means if their child is not compatible with your child, you have the right to no longer babysit. It isn’t to be mean or harsh. Your child’s safety comes first and their overall wellbeing.
Babysitting can make a great option especially if it’s a child that’s already in your child’s class. The best way is to talk with other parents within the classroom or you can leave your information at the front office that you would like to be an option.
I once knew a lady who made a great summer income babysitting children with autism (somewhere around $400-$800 a month), so while it’s not killer income, it can be a source of some income which is better than none.
10. Imbalancing Situation: The School System Doesn’t Seem to Be Supportive of Your Child
Finding Your Balancing Moment
School systems are already under so many strains and pressures. Principals, teachers and full staff walk around on pins and needles because of political pressures.
Many school systems absolutely love their special ed kids and go out of their way to take care of families and their students. But it still can happen that you come across a school system that is not supportive of special needs kids especially children with autism.
I once had a coworker who had a child with special needs who was a middle school student.
My coworker lived in a different area and commuted to work everyday, so her child wasn’t in our school system.
The teachers and staff thought it was great to dress him up like a girl especially in a pink tutu with leotard and parade him around school. Did I mention that they did this all day long and almost every day of the week for most of the school year? As a special needs child, he had no idea that they were doing it to bully him or make fun.
One day, a substitute that happened to be subbing at her son’s school saw my coworker’s son wearing this embarrassing outfit.
If the sub hadn’t said anything or reached out to my coworker, she probably would have never known. My coworker explained to me that she saw many signs before this incident happened.
Signs such as he not having any homework, no classwork being sent home, and receiving calls about her son hitting other kids in his class.
Since it was the last month or two of school, she had no choice but to pull him out and homeschool him for the remainder of the school year. For his safety, she enrolled him into another school the next year.
These kinds of abuses happen, and honestly it’s ridiculous. However, I want you to know that there are more teachers out there that are complete opposites of these jokers.
As a special ed para myself, I find it revolting that professional educators would find this acceptable! But I want every mother, especially autistic mamas to know that there are several options available if you feel that your child’s school is not properly supporting your child.
First, talk with the teachers and the paraeducators in your child’s classroom. Voice your concerns, and tell them exactly how you feel.
After the meeting, document everything. Write it down while it’s fresh, and save it with the document dated. You may have to talk to them 2 or 3 times before things change for the better.
Most of the time, this works, and everything is fixed.
If you have talked to your child’s teacher(s) and you still see no results, it’s time to talk to the principal. Not just one principal. All the principals one at a time.
Let them know your concerns and voice your opinions and expectations for your child. Just like the teachers, document and date.
This leads a paper trail that can help you later down the road. This is critical! And often times, principals are on top of teachers (especially special ed) to get things done.
Then, if you have talked to all educators and principals and yet nothing has changed, it’s time to talk to the board.
While you can talk to anyone, I recommend demanding the superintendent directly. You can wait for a board meeting, but many times you can just go straight to the office and talk to them during office hours Mon-Fri.
Bring your documented encounters to the superintendent and voice your concerns and expectations to them. Document your encounter again with the board and superintendent.
Again, this is a paper trail that can help you. And if the board gets involved, there are serious consequences for the school.
Lastly, if you have tried all routes with educators, principals, and superintendent and still see problems or unresolved issues, then it’s time to really decide what you would like to do.
One, you could try homeschooling.
Homeschooling in the middle of the year usually triggers a warning within the state system to where they will follow up with you and launch an investigation into the school system. This is what my coworker did with her son.
School systems can get in serious trouble legally if negligence is found, and you have made the school safer for other special ed kids. Contacting the state is always a great option to get results within the school system.
Another option is that you can legally sue.
While I don’t love this option, there are some cases I have heard like taping kids mouths shut and other abusive methods that need to be stopped.
Sometimes, suing is the only way that schools can be held responsible for these abusive actions. While these are extreme scenarios, you will sleep better at night knowing that you saved your child and several other kids as well.
Your job as mom is to make sure your child is safe and given the best chance at life with a great education.
Finally, if you have exhausted all your options listed above, you may want to think about changing your child’s school district.
It’s not always easy, but as a para myself, we see all kinds of kids shuffled from school to school because of their special needs and not receiving the care the parents hoped to have.
If parents don’t like certain school systems, they will find ways to get into the system they want. And this may be an option to consider if your school is not properly supporting you or your child.
When you know that your child is given great care and valued as a person, it is easy to rest and find peace in knowing that your child is cared for fully.
Just remember that you are a great mom despite how stressful it can be having a child with autism sometimes. Focus on those sweet smiles and make lots of great memories. And build yourself a great support system within the right school system.
More Resources to Help You
Hi! I’m the owner of Imperfectly Perfect Mama! Roxana did a fantastic job telling her strategies to help moms who need it the most.
In college I was an ABA instructor. I went to homes and did applied bevhaior analysis with children with autism. I worked closely with the Wisconsin Early Autism Project to provide cognitive skills, self-help skills and socialization skills, much like what Roxana does!
I’ve helped children talk, play with their classmates and tell their mom that they love her oh so much. It truly is a rewarding job. Here are some resources if you interested in learning more about how to help your child with autism.
- Center for Autism and Related Disorders YouTube Channel
- Interactive Play Ideas for Children With Autism
- Turn Autism Around YouTube Channel – Mary’s son was diagnosed with autism and has gone from knowing almost nothing about autism to becoming a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst, writing a best-selling book, The Verbal Behavior Approach
Final Thoughts
There are several situations that can be problematic or not easy having a child with autism. Despite all of the ups and downs, there are far more good (and good days) that come out of being blessed with your special child.
While the cause is not known, we as caretakers of children in autism know that they make the world a better place for their matter of fact attitudes, their keen senses and how deeply they love.
This article was designed to empower you with real resources to give you encouragement and strengthen those mama super powers. While there are some situations that we won’t ever fully understand that are outside of our power (aka dumb comments, annoying questions, etc.), we know how amazing the kids in our lives are and how much they teach us everyday.
I want to challenge you, mom, to take a moment (even a few seconds) everyday and allow yourself to just enjoy the moment with your child. I don’t know how or where your particular moment will be, but it’s easy as moms (including myself) to take these little moments for granted (like watching the sunrise scene on The Lion King for the millionth time).
Be sure to comment below, and be a part of the discussion. Let me know how I should improve this article should I have the chance to write Imperfectly Perfect Mama again.
Even better, tell me a topic or a problem you have that you would love to read on here that I could write! I would love to write for you guys again.
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