Category: For Moms

How to Teach Your Children Good Manners

I’ll never forget how dumb I felt as a child, about 10-years-old, when meeting a friend of my grandmother.

She shook my hand and asked me how I was. Dumbfounded, I just stood there.

She then shook my younger cousins hand and my cousin replied appropriately to her question, “Fine, thank you. How are you?”

Nobody has ever criticized my powers of observation.

I knew just how to respond to that greeting from there on out.

Is Self-Care Possible for Moms During Summer Break?

We’re in the frenzied last month of school.

Activities ramp up so the kids are in a busy whirlwind of after-school recitals and parties and school is full of treats and fun games.

Summer break is tantalizingly close, and maybe you’re dreaming of lazy days and more time to get through your to-do list.

But, a lack of routine, while it seems appealing right now, can quickly lead to boredom, sibling fighting and moms everywhere spending all their time in fire-fighting mode.

And getting to the end of the to-do list seems as elusive as ever.

How to Find the Right Daycare + 20 Questions To Ask

You’ve come to the conclusion that with your work at home schedule your child needs a daycare.

Whether it’s part-time or full-time you need childcare help.

It’s a difficult choice to make. Sending your child to daycare is not ideal.

It hurts that you have to leave your child in the hands of someone else. Choosing the best daycare for your needs and budget is equally tough.

You need to feel comfort, support and be happy with your choice. Here’s what to look for in a daycare facility.

Early childhood education is crucial for all children.  These years lay the foundation for learning.

11 Awesome Day Trips for Families That Every State Has

Spring is finally here, well at least I hope so – it’s taken long enough!

And you know what that means – school will be out for the summer and if you are anything like me you want to make some memories and have some fun while hopefully saving some money.

I love summer, my kids love summer.. all kids love summer.

What I don’t love is hearing, “mom I’m bored, there’s nothing to do, so and so is doing something cool.”

How to Make Life Easier with 2 Babies Under 2

Finding out I was pregnant with my second child when my first – my daughter Samaiya – was only 6 months old, was shocking, to say the least.

Excitement, joy, shock, anxiety, and a bunch of other emotions I couldn’t exactly name at the time, took over me.

I was about to be a part of the two babies under 2 club.

The emotions I felt when that unmistakable line showed up in the result window of my HPT, were so intense they could’ve knocked a grown man down.

Organize Your Entire House in 30 Days or Less!

Now that the holidays are over, I have an intense desire to de-clutter and organize my entire house from top to bottom.

It seems there is “stuff” crammed in every nook and cranny in our house.

However, as a mom it seems that I spend all of my time keeping up with the daily to-dos like cleaning, leaving little time for getting rid of stuff or organizing.