Category: Health

8 Tips for a Happy and Positive Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be beautiful and exciting, but also scary and overwhelming at the same time. Your life is about to drastically change and not knowing what to expect can be really daunting!

I remember stressing about so many things when we were expecting our first child. Have we bought everything we need for our baby? What if birth doesn’t go as planned? Will I be a good mom?

A spiral of thoughts that was hard to stop.

Fun and Engaging Ways to Make Your Kids Love Salad

Salads make for an excellent side dish to have at the family dinner table.

Whether you have a little foodie in the making or a toddler that has a mind of their own, there is no better way to inject some much-needed vegetables into their diet.

A well-executed salad is merely vegetables presented in a fun and engaging way, well at least that’s what us mamas tell ourselves anyway!

5 Ways to Protect Your Babies and Kids From Lead

You may remember the Flint, Michigan water crisis of 2014-2015.

This tragedy lead to thousands of children being exposed to lead through their tap water.

The problem is, lead toxicity is irreversible.

Lead affects many major organ systems in the body, including the brain and nervous system.

We all want to keep our kids safe from toxic chemicals such as lead.