Category: Health

9 Natural Flu And Cold Remedies For Babies

The weather is turning – and you know what that means –

The dreaded carousel of viruses is about to hit our schools, communities, and eventually, homes.

This is one of those times when sharing is not caring. It is, however, pretty inevitable.

I know you feel me when I say that it’s so hard to see your kids sick or uncomfortable.

10 Tips To Get Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back

After giving birth, a common question haunts all the moms.

How to get back to your pre-pregnancy shape back.

It’s natural to have the desire to fit in your favorite pair of jeans, which stopped zipping up soon after the first trimester.

Amiright mamas?

But, the idea is to not rush into things too quickly.

6 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally

You know how it goes — you have a great playdate planned and then on your way out the door you realize that one of your kids has a fever.

All those fun plans fly out the door and the rest of your week is filled with sick kids.

No fun.

And then you end up getting sick at the end of all this. It’s the never-ending cycle of runny noses, upset tummy’s and fevers.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could avoid sickness altogether (even for us moms)?

How to Teach Your Kids Meditation and Mindfulness

An increasing number of studies have shown that our kids are displaying signs of stress and anxiety at a very early age.

Meditation and mindfulness are proven tools that parents and educators can use to cultivate confidence, reduce anxiety, and promote self awareness and self regulation in children.

But how do you teach a young child to meditate?

10 Simple Foods You Must Make Homemade

There are just some foods that taste better when they are homemade.

Okay, MOST everything tastes better homemade.

I realize we don’t always have the time to make everything homemade, but there are some foods that you are buying at the store that are actually incredibly EASY to make at home.

How Postpartum Depression Robbed Me of My Baby’s First Months

I never wanted a baby until I did.

Desperately. With basically every fiber of my being, the feeling just came over me one day – borne from a loneliness that I have never experienced before and haven’t experienced again.

I suddenly wanted a baby. From that moment on, I became a sputtering mess over baby names, diaper commercials, and anything and everything baby related.

I (wrongly) thought that a baby was going to fill a piece of me that had always been missing and would bring the ultimate happiness.