
My Struggle with Postpartum Body and Weight As a New Mom

Mirror mirror on the wall…new moms are prettiest of them all.

After nine months of solid wait your baby has finally arrived in your life.

You are absolutely smitten by those chubby cheeks, tiny hands and toes.

Those cute as button eyes and your rather long wait, to catch first glimpse of your baby’s smile. First time, when he gives you full blown toothless smile is the moment you know, your heart can simply burst because of happiness.

As your baby grows, you grow as a mother.

By the time your baby is 6 months, you can change the diaper, master breastfeeding, prepare formula, bathe your baby and take care of his day to day needs, with eyes closed.

In short, you are getting there. Slowly and gradually. Anxieties are still there. You are still afraid but it’s all part of the game.

Moment of Realization…

One fine day, while you were trying to get pro at Mommyhood, you make the dreadful mistake of looking yourself in the mirror for little longer than usual.

After ages, you finally have some time for self pampering, instead you spend that entire time thinking one thought, “I don’t even recognize myself any more.”

That’s what I call the real STRUGGLE of postpartum body.

Your hair look different, there is massive hair loss. Since you can’t color or go for straightening treatments, you look permanently hungover and not in Bradley Cooper sexy sense of way.

To top it all, don’t even get me started on the weight gain.

Why the Baby Weight I Gained During Pregnancy Isn’t Disappearing as Magically as I Gained It??

All Your favorite dresses are packed away, you feel nothing suits you anymore.

Your body is now new and strange to you.

You are chubby, skin is baggy and curves have disappeared, all you can see or feel is chunks of skin hanging from your body. Your own wedding ring doesn’t fit you.

You chat with people or meet them, first thing they tell you is “oh! You are looking so fat,” especially men, they can be your friends, colleagues or even family.

Those ten minutes that you looked closely at yourself brings you down from the high you have been enjoying or riding on ever since you became a mother.

You look now directly in your eyes and ask yourself “will I ever look like my old self again?”

By now you have noticed every unwanted line on your face, every wiggly part of your body and every grey hair on your head.

Determination and Resolution

While you are drowning in the ocean of negativity, your little one is now awake and needs you.

You run towards him and hold him close to your chest and soothe him with your calm and reassuring words

As your baby calms down, your heart is also relaxed.

As he warms you up with love, you tend to feel all negativity leaving your body. Realization dawned upon you. You were once an awkward weird teenager trying to figure yourself out.

That phase passed away and then you turned into a confident young girl. Now, you are more than anything you will ever be. You are a woman… a mother.

This phase, where everything is beautiful but physically you feel discouraged, this will pass too.

You will get back in shape, your hair color will be back with new shades and new oomph, you will discover your style again.

But your baby will also grow up, snuggles will be the thing of past, you will never be able to bring this time back. So be yourself.

Wear your scars as medals, love your wiggly self, enjoy your wild and crazy hair but most importantly love yourself… you just manufactured life inside you. So for crying out loud, pour a glass of milk (because you can’t have wine) and have a chocolate.

Go for a spa and just chill. Live every second of your most weird beautiful self.

Your struggle will reap rewards, just don’t forget to take care of yourself.

In the meantime, don’t forget to breath and relax mommie.

Let me know in the comments your postpartum story! I’d love to hear it.

I am Sakshi B. Life can change overnight and I am a living breathing example of it. Now, I am mom of an amazing 11 month old baby and a beautiful dog. I have had so many amazing experiences and adventures till now, that I would love to share them and hope it can inspire readers to follow their dreams.

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